The peeing plumber
A plumber caught on camera relieving himself in a customer's loft has been fined £3,778 and ordered to do 150 hours community service.
Read the full story at:
While this may, at first, seem a little shocking, I (and I suspect most Londoners) am not particularly fazed by it. In fact, after trying unsuccessfully for two weeks to get a plumber to fix my sewerage drain, I would happily allow them to urinate in my water supply if only they would show up when they say they are going to. I can always drink bottled water but I can't find alternative ways to dispose of my sewerage. The best I can do is try to hold it all in until I get to work but this can play havoc with your image on the tube. The other day someone threw a coin in front of me as I danced up and down waiting for my stop to arrive.
So here's an offer to all plumbers: Come and fix my drain and you can wee anywhere you want.
Williams has to be a bit dippy really - fair enough to urinate in a vase if there's no other option - but to then pour the contents into the water tank - from which I presume people drink - has got to be a bit malicious? Also Cricklewood has a lot of identical houses lining it's streets hasn't it - I also imagined the Broadway to be next to a river - or at least a park - this one seems to run through an industrial area?
5:50 am
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