We express here who the grand old lady of Cricklewood NW2 is to us. Cricklewood is a place where all cultures, all roads, all railways (not very many tubes) and, ultimately, all consciousness meets. Even if you don't live in Cricklewood, you can now take a little bit of Cricklewood away with you.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Time for a Twin

After a bumpy start, the campaign to twin Cricklewood is BACK on the radar!

Having seen that we had had a hit or two from the Houses of Parliament, I knew that this little journal was having an impact but never dreamed that our campaign already had the momentum necessary to get MP support. However, our fearless MP, Sarah Teather, has shown her willingness to support right over wrong and address the inequalities she sees. I have re-posted our twinning campaign below and you will see that Sarah has kindly added her collossal political weight to the campaign.

With a bit of extra support, it will soon be the case that, like Mr Burns' campaign to become Governor, (and in the words of Lisa Simpson) our campaign will have "the momentum of a runaway freight train" and people will be asking why we (and Sarah) are so popular.

So I say again to people, look into your hearts. Search there for the truth. Ask yourself, "Do I want Cricklewood to go another 100 years without a twin?" And if you have a soul, I know you will, with me, respond by posting your support for the campaign. It's easy and simple, just go to the "Time for a Twin" post below, scroll to the bottom and click on the word "COMMENTS".

We hope soon to have a twin - the frontrunners at the moment are Place de la Concorde in Paris and Times Square in New York - and a party at the Galtymore to celebrate!

Til next time


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